THE MURRAY RIVER The Murray River is the third longest navigable river in the world, after the Amazon the Nile Rivers. Total length is 2,520 klms from its source in the Upper Murray and the Kosciuszko National Park to the river mouth in Goolwa South Australia. The Murray is continuously navigable for 1,986 klms from Goolwa to Yarrawonga, and spans three States - Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. The river has 4 major dams, 16 storage weirs and 15 navigable locks. It is the major domestic water supply for over 1.5 million households. Let's get moving! GOOLWA 1st - 18th October 2018 Goolway - where the mighty Murray finishes it's lengthy journey, and enters the ocean. This was our third visit to Goolwa. We came down here twice whilst at Aldinga Beach on the Fleurieu Peninsular. Goolwa is a lovely town at the mouth of the Murray where our journey begins. This map shows the Murray River flowing from Lake Alexandrina to the ocean. Also Hindmar...